Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Inclusive Arts

Here's a couple of great organisations doing some amazing work in inclusive arts. By inclusive arts we mean it's for everybody - not just a program or project which is disability specific.

Shopfront is a contemporary arts centre – a cultural network and production co-operative where all young people under 25, regardless of background or ability can create themselves.

Below is a great dance piece they have produced called Zombie vs Bird:

Zombie vs Bird is an examination of the conflicts that arise at home and in the schoolyard, set within the rules and boundaries of a computer game.
Image courtesy of
Another great organisation doing some cool stuff is Bus Stop Films. Bus Stop Films has a focus on creating inclusion within the film industry. So far Bus Stop has been involved with creating three inclusive films, that have been screened both nationally and internationally, these films have also picked up a number of awards including the top gong at Tropfest 09.

People with mixed abilities fulfilled roles within the cast and crew of the films showcasing their talents and ability. The films also provided our participants the chance to be involved in film making at a professional standard.

Their latest work is a short film called The Interviewer, you can find out more about it at the film's website:

Pretty cool don't you think? Have you come across any other companies / organisations doing great work in inclusive arts? Let us know!

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